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Bacchanal Jamaican style

Bacchanal Jamaican style

You’ve probably been to the Carnival of Binche in Belgium, a folkloric event, which dates back hundreds of year; or possibly the Nice Carnival on the fashionable French Riviera that lasts two weeks during February. 

The historically Catholic regions in Germany, Switzerland and Austria have similar pre-Lent celebrations called Fasching, Fastnacht or Karneval.  It’s all about having fun before forty days of fasting. 

Jamaica has adopted the festivities although not based on Catholic tradition.  Inspired by the annual carnivals in Trinidad and Tobago, a group of Jamaican revelers began Bacchanal festivities 17 years ago, which has grown over the years.

As the name suggest it is definitely for those who enjoy partying. There are a series of events starting on February 22nd through to April 3rd culminating with the road march.  You will feel slightly out of place at the road march without a costume similar to those worn in Brazil’s Rio carnivals. 

Like all carnivals there is much dancing to Caribbean rhythms, live performances and costume parades.  So, if you happen to be in Kingston between February and early April - enjoy one of Bacchanal’s weekly events!

For more details: http://bacchanaljamaica.com/bacchanal-summer/


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