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Painting landscapes in St. Mary


The Parish of St. Mary

Painting landscapes in St. Mary

Planning to take your art equipment while visiting the parish of St. Mary? Good idea, especially if you like painting landscapes and old Georgian buildings.  St. Mary also has boutique art galleries and botanical gardens worth visiting.  You will be able to paint amazing scenes undisturbed, as well as visit:
Harmony Hall House and art gallery -http://www.harmonyhall.com/

Firefly House    - http://www.firefly-jamaica.com/

 Holy Trinity Anglican Church -http://www.jnht.com/site_holy_trinity_anglican.php

Prospect Great House and plantation -  http://www.prospect-villas.com/

Castleton Gardens -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE-oG9Dg1gI

Robins Bay

Here are a few images of St. Mary to peak your interest.


Also visit our art gallery:  https://www.experiencejamaique.com/product_gallery


Updated February 2021